My name is Selinah Ingwane I am 25 years old.I am the location manager for the Swiss School System based in Cape Town Imizamoyethu township.I have worked with Lalela project which is an educational arts program that intends to uplift learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. I also work and facilitate a Ubuntu tuition program for 6 and 12 years old. My love and passion for working with kids had made be part of the Best Buddies Camp hope group where as leaders we take orphans, kids with cancer HIV and even disabilities to a 3 days. I have graduated at DOCI for young filmmakers course in 2022.
My mission is to help equip our local daycares with materials and help support the teachers.I intend to help guide and coach the daycares teachers in understanding our vision and mission to our system which is to ensure that the learners have access to a system with methods that can be able to enable their life skills to better their future and empower them.
In Cape Town Imizamoyethu township we have been successful and working with 5 daycares already.
I am beyond grateful to be part of this team that provides children in my community with a better chance in life at such an early age, I was never exposed to that while in daycare.

My name is Roseline Mushi I am 28 years old and I live in Arusha. I am married and I am having one child.
I am a teacher by profession. I taught and superviced at a daycare for five years as well as working as volunteer coordinator.I have been working with swiss school system for two years . This system changed me a lot because of the methods used that are very simple and clear to understand .This system help both children and teachers to improve their knowledge, being creative, and being curious.
I am a manager and coach of swiss school system. My responsibilities are finding new schools, organizing materials for schools and coaching the teachers.
What I like the most about this system is how it helps the teachers and children. I am the good example myself: Since when I started working with it, I became confident enough to teach better and be creative.

May I introduce myself as Bestina Gilbert Saguda. I am the Location Manager of Swiss School System in Mwanza. I am working with SSS to help Daycares raise successful and amazing children and then to have a wonderful society and economy.
I am a graduate of Community Development and Child Right, with vast experience in working with adolescent girls and young children. Also, I was Project Officer in the project Action Of Women.
I have started working with SSS in March 2023 where I visited Arusha and was introduced to the system. Later I got a training from the head of SSS Tanja from Switzerland. After the training I started to find Daycares and to what SSS is doing to help our daycares in Mwanza. For now, we are working with 8 daycares already.
As the Location Manager I am the responsible person for the location of Mwanza. I find new daycares and organize supplies, internet access and material. I coach teachers and give them feedback through the WhatsApp chat.
I like to work with SSS because I have gotten new Ideas of working with children. I gained new knowledge of understanding the capacity of children and I like the system of SSS in teaching children. I also like the new networking
My name is Hawa Yasin. I am 24 years old, I live in Arusha and I am a teacher by profession. I started teaching in 2018 at Unique Choice Daycare Center.
This year I started working with Swiss School System as a coach. I visit schools and help the teachers on how to work with it and how to teach children by following the system.
This system helps me to get more knowledge of teaching. Swiss School System can help teachers who are using it to raise amazing children.
I love to work with this system because it helps me to get to know different people and also to increase my teaching skills. So, I like to be in this organization.