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Swiss School System Budget

Education for 1.- / Child / Week

For maximum transparency we wish to explain to you our budget in as much detail as possible. 

Please understand that charity work in Africa has a lot of imprecisions. There are always  regional differences as well as unexpected problems on a regular basis. 

1'000.- per Daycare and Year

A daycare will have about 60 children, but can range between 30 and 150 children. We need about 85 USD per month to assist it.  

  1. Consumables are thing such as
    • paper (about 3 sheet per child/week)
    • printing costs
    • materials such as pencils, paint, glue and scissors
  2. Durables are long lasting materials such as
    • wooden blocks
    • picture books and educational toys
    • mobile devices and speakers
  3. Internet gives teachers access to
    • lessons, instructions, tutorials
    • online books
    • videos for training and childrens' songs
  4. Africa Services are costs for
    • on-site coaching (wages)
    • weekly delivery of materials
    • office rent, security and utilities
  5. HQ Services are things such as software licenses
  6. Reserves are for challenges such as price changes

Incredible Volunteers

Much of the value we generate is provide for free by volunteers. The following aspects of our work does not generate any costs:

  1. Lesson materials such as worksheets, tutorial videos etc. are all created by professional teachers in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
  2. Training materials for teachers are also created by the same team
  3. Childrens books are created and designed by volunteers or by sponsored professionals
  4. Marketing and awareness work on social media is done by volunteers
  5. Administration and controlling are done by volunteers

Supporting Partners

The Swiss School System needs automated processes and specially developed systems to manage it's services and scale up. Our partners support us in our mission at zero cost.

2sic internet solutions in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and provides

  1. IT consulting/support as well as Mobile Device Management
  2. Website design and hosting for and Swiss School System
  3. The online education platform
  4. Payment of special administrative and legal costs in Switzerland provides

  1. Consulting in process design and automation
  2. An online platform for all the processes and checklists
  3. Process and task management

Support us
Support our project by sponsoring a school or donating any amount you see fit.
